To value a student means we honor their heritage, language, culture, history, and identity. Each student should see themselves and their community intentionally included in the curriculum as well as represented throughout the classroom and school. The Voyager community emphasizes modeling positive behaviors and honoring the individual worth and potential of each student. In the event disciplinary actions are necessary, Voyager staff seeks first to understand and teach with the goal to change behavior and create a sense of community and belonging. When students feel welcomed, seen, and known, they can thrive academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally.
To support a student at Voyager means that the entire community collaborates to provide what students need to succeed academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. Academic programs implement inclusionary practices that apply rigorous learning opportunities. We use formative and summative assessments to differentiate and individualize instruction for academic interventions. Student behaviors are modeled and supported using positive discipline to reinforce desired behaviors and address behavior concerns. Students are supported socially and emotionally through building relationships that are built upon trust, communication, and consistency.
To inspire a student means to generate excitement, intrigue, and hope throughout their school day. Projects and curriculum reflect students’ lives and interests, introduce concepts and ideas, and encourage wonder and fascination. Assignments are culturally relevant and engage students in creative learning and critical thinking. An inspired student is excited to develop socially and emotionally through connections made with their peers in classes and through clubs and lunch-time interest groups. We are a community that recognizes positive student behavior, inspiring students to be their best selves.